Two people in winter coats and bobble hats chatting in the street.

Dealing with anxiety

Hear how other people deal with feeling anxious

It’s normal to feel anxious  from time to time, particularly in the face of threat or danger. But if these feelings stay with you when the threat has passed and are getting in the way of your everyday life, there are lots of things you can do that will help.

In these videos people discuss how they cope with anxiety and offer ideas you can use to help with your feelings of anxiousness.

Online courses


Daylight is a digital programme to improve anxiety based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). It’s clinically proven to help people improve their anxiety symptoms.

Daylight teaches you practical CBT techniques that help tackle the root causes of anxiety. By using Daylight for just a few minutes each day, you can start to feel more in control.

You can use Daylight via the app for iOS and Android devices.

To access this course, you need to provide the first half of your postcode and your email address.

Sign up for Daylight

Contact your GP practice if:

  • you want to speak to someone about your mental health.

If you need urgent help you can phone 111 and choose the mental health option to speak to the mental health hub. In an emergency phone 999.

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