Mind to Mind resources

Find links to services, websites, videos, podcasts and more that can help you

Support and information

These resources are grouped into sections. This is so that you can find the most relevant places to help you.

Mind to Mind topics

Find resources on Mind to Mind topics like anxiety, panic, stress and grief.

Dealing with panic and anxiety

NHS inform has advice on dealing with anxiety and panic, including:

Daylight is a free app that can help teach you easy ways to help reduce anxiety and panic. It’s available on iOS and Android.

SAMH have a booklet on understanding anxiety [654 KB | PDF]. This helps explain what anxiety is and how you can manage it.

Watch videos on simple drawing and painting techniques to help occupy and relax your mind.

Sleeping better

Work through a sleep problem and insomnia self-help guide on NHS inform.

Sleepio is a free app, available for iOS and Android, to help you plan and make changes to improve your sleep.

Sleep support from Sleep Scotland offers advice and guidance on how to get better sleep.

Young Scot have information for children and young people about what stress is and how to manage it.

Parent Club has advice to help get young children to sleep.

Handling stress
Lift your mood

Mind provides information on mindfulness. This includes advice on how to practise it and how it can help with mental health problems.

Moving through grief

Cruse Bereavement Support offer help and information while grieving.

AtaLoss helps bereaved people find support and wellbeing. 

Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief work to enable communities and individuals to support each other through bereavement.

Palliative Care Scotland brings people together to improve experiences of declining health, death, dying and bereavement.

Bereavement of a child

Child Bereavement UK help children, young people, parents, and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies.

The Compassionate Friends are an organisation of bereaved parents, siblings, and other family members supporting other bereaved families who have experienced the death of a child.

Sands supports anyone affected by the death of a baby, whenever it happened and for as long as is needed. 

Bereavement by suicide

Mind has information and resources to help people who have been bereaved by suicide.

Facing the Future provides safe online support groups for those bereaved by suicide.

Isolation and loneliness

The Age Scotland Friendship Line helps anyone over 50 by listening, providing friendship and offering support.

Paths for All have a range of walking groups with routes of any length and ability across Scotland.

Mental health resources

Find general mental health support and information.

How to get help now

The NHS 24 Mental Health Hub is available 24 hours a day. To access it, phone 111 and choose the mental health option.

Breathing Space is a free confidential listening service that you can contact by phone or webchat.

Samaritans are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to listen and help those in crisis or distress. Visit the website or phone 116 123.

General mental health information and support

Mind have advice on how to seek help for a mental health problem.

Change Mental Health are a charity who offer an advice and support service. Advisers can signpost you to local support that most fits your needs.

The Mental Health Foundation support individuals, families and communities to live mentally healthier lives, with a particular focus on those at greatest risk.

Penumbra are a charity providing dedicated services for people experiencing mild to serious and enduring mental ill health.

The Scottish Recovery Network is Scotland’s mental health recovery organisation. They support people at all stages of their recovery journey.

Voices of Experience Scotland is a national, member-led, mental health organisation. They shape policy and practice, run events for members to connect and learn, and provide collective advocacy.

See Me is Scotland’s campaign to end mental health stigma and discrimination.

Side by Side is an online platform where people can find and share lived experience of mental wellbeing. 

Information and support on self-harm and suicide

Surviving Suicidal Thoughts shares the lived experiences of people who have been there and come out the other side.

Self-Harm Network Scotland provide support and information to friends, families and professionals. 

Supporting someone else with their mental health

Resources for specific groups

Find specific mental health resources for parents, students, veterans, carers and more.

Women’s health

Women’s health on NHS inform brings together a range of women’s health topics in one place. This includes a whole range of mental health and well being resources.

Work through the menopause and mental wellbeing self-help guide on NHS inform. This has advice on things you can do to improve your mental wellbeing during after menopause. For example, help with anxiety, stress, depression, anger, self-esteem and sleep


Parent Club has helpful advice on a wide range of topics covering all stages of parenthood.

Children and young people

Childline is a free, private and confidential service where young people under the age of 19 can talk about anything.

YoungScot has information on how to talk about your feelings and how stress affects you.

YoungMinds are working to stop young people’s mental health reaching crisis point. They have resources for young people, parents and family, and those working with young people

Mind Yer Time gives children and young people advice on social media use, screen time, sleep and the impacts of these things on body image and mental wellbeing.

Aye Feel delivers a range of positive messages, advice and resources to young people with health and mental wellbeing.

Watch videos on simple drawing and painting techniques to help occupy and relax your mind.


The NUS Think Positive project provides a range of mental health and wellbeing support for students.


LGBT Health and Wellbeing promote the health, wellbeing and equality of LGBT+ adults in Scotland. They have support services and a diverse range of social events, meet ups and groups. 


The National Wellbeing Hub is an online hub which helps carers look after their physical and mental health. It offers a range of self-care and wellbeing resources.

Carers Trust Scotland have a Young Carer Mental Health Toolkit [PDF]. This is to help support discussions about mental health and wellbeing with young carers over 12.


Combat Stress provides specialist treatment and support for veterans from every service and conflict. They focus on those with complex mental health issues related to their military service.

Legion Scotland make a difference every day to the lives of veterans through their comradeship and befriending programme. This helps to develop strong communities and support remembrance.

Veterans First Point (V1P) has been developed by veterans for veterans. It’s staffed by an alliance of clinicians and veterans.

Other helpful resources

Find resources to help your mental wellbeing, including resources on getting active and healthy eating.

Getting active

Paths for All have a range of walking routes of any length and ability across Scotland.

Euan’s Guide details the accessibility of sites across the UK, including gardens, nature and open spaces.

Actify has ideas for individuals and families to get active.

Actify exercise at home contains instructional videos for any age or ability.

Adult Cycle Training is a series of practical cycling courses from Cycling Scotland for adults to build their confidence on a bicycle.

Ditch The Desk by Paths For All have simple, short exercises to get moving.

NatureScot has all the information you need to get out and about in Scotland.

Healthy eating

Parent Club have suggestions of healthy recipes for the whole family.

Beat Eating Disorders are a charity who encourage and empower people to get help with eating disorders quickly.

Count 14 helps you find out how your weekly drinking adds up.

NHS inform also has information on healthy eating, including:

Support with addiction

Quit Your Way Scotland is an advice and support service for anyone trying to stop smoking. 

Find a regional Alcoholics Anonymous group to help if you have a problem with alcohol.

Find a local Narcotics Anonymous meeting to help if you have a problem with drugs.

Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs offer support if you’re affected by someone else’s alcohol or drug use.

Housing and homelessness

Cyrenians tackle the causes and consequences of homelessness in Scotland. This can help people to move towards more positive and stable futures.

Work and employment

Healthy Working Lives have information and guidance on how your employer can support a mentally healthy workplace.

Skills Development Scotland offer career and skills development advice.

Helpful podcasts

Just One Thing: Green Spaces on BBC Sounds. Michael Mosley finds out how spending time in nature could boost your mood.

Just One Thing: Take A Breath on BBC Sounds. Michael Mosley on how learning to control your breath can lower anxiety.

The Mental Health Foundation have a series of podcasts about mental health, ranging from Men’s mental health to relationships and body image.

Steps For Stress on Soundcloud helps reduce stress and increase mindfulness.

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