How to deal with negative thoughts

Sara suggests ways to help stop negative thoughts about yourself

Self-stigma is the judgement people put on themselves. It can lead people into believing that they aren’t capable of things such as getting a job or going into further education.

Sara suggests ways to help stop negative thoughts about yourself:

  • Imagine it comes from the voice of someone you don’t like
  • Imagine yourself as a child; if you wouldn’t say those things to yourself as a child, don’t say them to yourself now
  • If you can, try to think of your thoughts as purely electricity and remember that you don’t need to listen to it

Find more support on asking for help with your mood

See Me Scotland has information about how stigma can affect different types of mental illness and mental wellbeing.

There is also information on how friends and family can affect mental wellbeing.

Contact your GP practice if:

  • you want to speak to someone about your mental health

If you need urgent help, phone 111 and choose the mental health option to speak to the mental health hub.

In an emergency phone 999. 

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