Speak up about men’s mental health

Angus MacDonald talks about how sport and opening up can help you cope with stress.

Angus MacDonald talks about how he looks after his mental health and how he deals with stress


  • open up to other people about how you’re feeling
  • have a regular routine
  • spend time with family and friends

Related resources about how to reduce stress with exercise

The Changing Room programme uses football to bring men together to help promote men’s mental health. It takes place in football stadiums across Scotland. They give people the opportunity to access parts of the stadium you wouldn’t normally see to take part in the programme that encourages men to open up about their mental health. 

It’s a free 12 week course for men who want to look after themselves and make social connections through their chosen football team. It aims to improve the mental wellbeing of the men that take part in the programme through activities like walking football, guest speakers, pitch side walks and a stadium tour. 

Read more about The Changing Room Project

Contact your GP practice if:

  • you want to speak to someone about your mental health

If you need urgent help, phone 111 and choose the mental health option to speak to the mental health hub.

In an emergency phone 999. 

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