How stress symptoms affect your body

Dr Dean Burnett explains the neuroscience of stress and how it affects your body

Advice from Dr Dean Burnett

Dean explains how stress affects your body and what you can do to help:

  • stress is the first stage of the fight-or-flight response
  • stress releases cortisol, suppresses our immune system, interferes with our digestion and can alter our blood pressure
  • stress makes us focus more on the negative and puts us in a more irritable state
  • mindfulness, recognising and changing negative thought patterns, going outside and getting more exercise can reduce your stress levels

Find support for stress

Read more about struggling with stress.

Living Life to the Full is an evidence-based online course to help with anxiety and stress. You can access this for free by registering your name and details.

Watch more videos on the Scottish Government Youtube channel

Contact your GP practice if:

  • you want to speak to someone about your mental health

If you need urgent help, phone 111 and choose the mental health option to speak to the mental health hub.

In an emergency phone 999. 

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