How a pet can help reduce stress

Geoff talks about his cat and how it helps with his mental wellbeing

Advice from Geoff

Geoff says his pet helps his mental wellbeing. He also suggests:

  • going for a morning walk
  • taking time to relax and have a rest

Find support for stress

Visit make space for nature by Nature Scot to learn how nature can improve your mental and physical health.

Visit Actify’s Get Outside Get Active page to find ideas for individuals and families to get active.

Mindful and Mindfulness Scotland have a range of information and resources to help you practice mindfulness and meditation.

Contact your GP practice if:

  • you want to speak to someone about your mental health

If you need urgent help, phone 111 and choose the mental health option to speak to the mental health hub.

In an emergency phone 999. 

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