How to sleep better

Pete, a GP, has some tips to improve your sleep

What Peter, a GP, recommends


  • get outdoors in the sunshine as much as possible
  • reduce your caffeine intake
  • go to bed and get up at the same time every single day
  • turn off tech, devices and phones at least 90 minutes before you go to bed

Find support for sleep problems

Read the sleep problems and insomnia self-help guide.

Sleepio is an online sleep improvement programme to help tackle poor sleep and insomnia.

For information and support for helping your child get a good nights sleep, visit the Sleep Scotland website.

Contact your GP practice if:

  • you want to speak to someone about your mental health

If you need urgent help, phone 111 and choose the mental health option to speak to the mental health hub.

In an emergency phone 999. 

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