National Treatment Centres

Information on Scotland’s National Treatment Centres 

What is a National Treatment Centre?

The National Treatment Centres (NTCs) are a network of healthcare facilities across Scotland.

NTCs provide extra capacity for planned:

  • inpatient care
  • day case treatment
  • diagnostic services

Aims of NTCs

NTCs will be a national resource which should:

  • increase the ability of patients to access treatment
  • increase flexibility for patients accessing treatment
  • support regional working across territorial NHS health boards

Where are the NTCs?

The NHS Golden Jubilee Eye Centre began treating patients in November 2020.

NTC Fife Orthopaedics began treating patients in March 2023.

NTC Highland began treating patients in April 2023.

There are also 2 NTCs currently under construction which are due to open in 2024. These centres are in:

Treatments available at NTCs

You may be offered treatment at an NTC if you’re on the waiting list for:

  • Endoscopy
  • General Surgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopaedics

When you’ll be offered an appointment at an NTC

Your local health board will always try to offer you an appointment in your local area. However, you may be offered treatment at an NTC to ensure you’re seen as quickly as possible. This’ll be the case even if your local health board doesn’t have an NTC.

The decision to offer treatment at an NTC will be made by clinicians. They’ll take your treatment type and ability to travel into account. If you’re offered treatment at an NTC, you’ll be notified by your local health board as soon as possible.

It’s important that you consider all offers of appointment made by your health board and that you make every effort to accept these. If you refuse 2 or more reasonable offers, which will include an NTC appointment, the health board may refer you back to your GP.

Further information on your rights and responsibilities

Common questions about NTCs

Will I get help with travel and accommodation?

You should speak to your local health board about help with travel or accommodation costs to attend an appointment at an NTC.

What if I am no longer able to travel to the NTC for my appointment?

There are many reasons why patients may no longer be able to attend an agreed appointment. It’s important that you let the health board know in good time of the reasons you’re no longer able to attend. This’ll allow them to make an alternative appointment.

How much notice will I be given of my appointment?

You’ll be notified as soon as possible of any appointment that means you’ll have to travel outside your local health board.

Health boards must give you 7 days notice of an appointment. Where possible, they’ll send notice 14 days before your appointment.

Will I stay onsite at the NTC after my surgery?

You’ll not be discharged from the NTC until it’s safe to do so.