Vapes (e-cigarettes)

A vape, also known as an e-cigarette, is a plastic electronic cigarette with a heating element. It holds a nicotine cartridge containing liquid nicotine. When heated, the liquid nicotine changes into a vapour. The nicotine and other ingredients are inhaled into the body.

Vapes are a relatively new and rapidly evolving product.

Research into the safety and effectiveness of e-cigarettes is still quite new.

Similar to NRT, vapes are an option to help people who want to give up smoking.

How safe are vapes

Research on vaping related harm is rapidly developing. Current evidence suggests vapes are less harmful than smoking tobacco products, but they aren’t risk free.

Most vapes contain nicotine, which is highly addictive. They also often contain other ingredients like propylene glycol, glycerine and flavourings.

Vapes have been regulated by the government since May 2016. From April 2017 it became illegal to sell vapes to, or buy them for, under 18s.

If you use vapes instead of smoking cigarettes, this might help you become smoke free. The health benefit comes from stopping smoking, not using a vape.

It’ll be some time until studies can show the long-term impact and risks of using vapes. More is known about the safety and effectiveness of other stop smoking medications.

Alternatives to vaping

Vaping isn’t the only option for people looking to stop smoking. If you’re looking to quit, you could consider using proven methods of stopping smoking. You could try nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to help to break your reliance on nicotine.

If you miss the routine of holding a cigarette, you could consider an NRT inhalator. This looks like an e-cigarette.

Quit Your Way Scotland

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Last updated:
19 December 2022

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