Treating a large aneurysm

Phone your GP immediately if:

  • you have been diagnosed with an aneurysm and have unusual or unexplained abdominal (tummy) or lower back pain

If your GP practice is closed, phone 111.

When you phone, tell the health professionals you have an aneurysm and have been referred for assessment.

If your routine abdominal aortic aneurysm screening has found a large aneurysm, your health professionals will advise you on the next steps.

The operations available to treat large aneurysms have risks. They can sometimes result in serious complications, leading to death. However, operations on large aneurysms found through screening have a much lower risk of death than if the aneurysm ruptures on its own.

The risks of rupture and surgery vary from person to person. If you have a large aneurysm and surgery is a treatment option, a surgeon will explain in detail the risks of:

  • leaving the aneurysm untreated
  • having the operation to treat the aneurysm

If surgery isn’t possible, there may be no other appropriate treatments.

Last updated:
20 May 2024