Your dental check-up

If you have a dental problem you should, in the first instance always phone the dental practice that you normally attend.

If you are not registered with any dental practice then your nearest dental practice will still be able to help.

The time between check-ups can vary from less than 6 months to every 2 years. It depends on how healthy your teeth and gums are and your risk of future problems.

Your dentist will decide how often you should have a NHS dental examination. This will be based on your treatment needs to ensure the best possible care. If you’re seen less often than 12 months then this is a sign of good oral health. It is important that you attend when recommended and don’t miss appointments.

A check-up allows your dentist to see if you have any dental problems and helps you keep your mouth healthy. Leaving problems untreated can lead to pain and tooth loss. It could also make problems more difficult to treat in the future. You should deal with problems early or, where possible, prevent them altogether.

What to expect at your check-up

During your check-up your dentist will:

  • ask how your general health is, how your teeth have been since your last visit and if you’re taking any new or changed medications
  • look in your mouth and examine your teeth, gums and mouth
  • carry out any tests or X-rays you need
  • ask about your lifestyle and provide any advice on diet, smoking, alcohol and teeth cleaning to help improve your oral health
  • tell you when you should visit for your next check-up

Even if you brush and floss regularly, you should still have dental check-ups. The dentist will check the general health of your teeth and gums. They’ll monitor your mouth for any early signs of problems such as dental decay, gum disease or oral cancer.

If you have a build up of calcified plaque (tartar build up) you’ll need a scale and polish. This will remove the plaque and tartar, some of which may be below the gum line.

If your dentist finds further problems, they will recommend the next steps you’ll need to take.

Dental treatments

Your dentist will decide and inform you at the time of your appointment what, if any, treatment you may need. An NHS dental examination in Scotland is free of charge. In some cases, you will be able to access NHS dental treatment free of charge.

Otherwise, you’ll need to pay 80% of your NHS dental treatment costs up to maximum of £384 per course of treatment.

If you are being seen as a private patient at your dental surgery then costs can vary. Charges for treatments in your dental surgery should be clearly displayed and explained to you.


It’s routine for your dentist to carry out X-rays, on occasion, during your dental check-up. X-rays allow your dentist to:

  • identify existing problems which might not be visible during a routine dental examination yet
  • identify dental decay, impacted teeth, jawbone damage, cysts, tumours and abscesses
  • see where a child’s adult teeth will grow in

Your dentist will decide which type of X-ray you need. They’ll explain why you are receiving an X-ray and how the X-ray works. Your dentist or dental assistant will set the machine up and normally leave the room before taking the X-ray. This is to ensure your dentist doesn’t get to much exposure to the machine. Your dentist will only take X-rays when they believe it to be necessary.

If you’re pregnant, the dentist should only perform an X-ray in an emergency situation.

Fear of the dentist

Dental anxiety can be very common but there are ways you can overcome it.

Avoiding the dentist because of fear can have serious implications for your dental health. Speaking to your dentist about any fears or anxieties you have could help put your mind at rest before your check-up.

Further information about coping with fear of the dentist

Last updated:
09 April 2024

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