Palliative care

Information about palliative care, including how it helps people whose health is changing and how it helps people who are dying, caring or bereaved

What is palliative care?

Everyone is affected by serious illness, other health conditions, dying, death and bereavement at some point in their lives. Palliative care helps people of all ages with these things. This includes children and young people, parents and unpaid carers.

Palliative care is about looking after the whole person. This might be:

  • managing your symptoms
  • looking after your mental health and wellbeing
  • talking with family
  • getting practical help and advice
  • spiritual care and support

Palliative care can be helpful when you’re diagnosed with a new illness. It is also helpful when treatments are working less well for you.

It focuses on quality of life and wellbeing for the person, their family and others who are important to them. What matters most to a person is central to palliative care.