Quality standards for mental health services

The new Core Mental Health Standards have been developed by the Scottish Government, working with a range of partners. These standards set out what people can expect from mental health services in Scotland.

How the standards work

The Scottish Government heard from people who use and work in mental health services, who said there was a need for national quality standards across Scotland.

Over a two-year period, the Scottish Government engaged with people who work in mental health services, the people who use those services, their families, and their carers. The result was a list of standards that brought together everything both users and staff wanted from mental health services.

The standards have a number of aims:

  • to let people know what they can expect from a mental health service
  • to make sure that mental health services are trauma-informed and person-centred
  • to improve the experience and outcomes for people using these services
  • to make sure everyone who needs care receives a high standard of service, wherever they live in Scotland
  • to support services to improve the care they provide
  • to enable services to measure the quality of their care

The quality standards are split into themes:


This theme sets the expectation that you should be able to access the care you need in a timely manner, and that you should be treated with kindness and respect. The Access theme also outlines the communication and support you should receive while waiting to be seen.

Learn more about what you can expect from the Access theme

Learn more about what services and staff will do as part of the Access theme

Assessment, care planning, treatment, and support

This theme focuses on your care being trauma-informed and person-centred. You should be involved in decisions about care planning, and your care should be well organised, especially when multiple agencies are involved.

Learn more about what you can expect from the Assessment, care planning, treatment, and support theme

Learn more about what services and staff will do as part of the Assessment, care planning, treatment, and support theme

Moving between and out of services

This theme focuses on making sure you are well prepared and supported for any move between or out of services, so you have to tell your story as few times as possible.

When you move out of services, it should be straightforward for you to get support, care, and treatment again if you need it.

Learn more about what you can expect from the Moving between and out of services theme

Learn more about what services and staff will do as part of the Moving between and out of services theme


This theme focuses on making sure the staff working with you have the right skills and training to meet your needs. It also sets the expectation that staff will be supported to do their jobs well, while taking care of their own wellbeing.

Learn more about what you can expect from the Workforce theme

Learn more about what services and staff will do as part of the Workforce theme

Governance and accountability

This theme sets the expectation that you are asked for feedback about your experience, and that your opinions are used to help improve services.

If your care doesn’t meet the standards, it should be straightforward to make a complaint and you should have support available if needed.

Learn more about what you can expect from the Governance and accountability theme

Learn more about what services and staff will do as part of the Governance and accountability theme

Putting the standards in place

A lot of the standards will already be met, while some of them will take longer to put in place.

The Scottish Government will work closely over time with services and the workforce to implement the standards and ensure that they’re met consistently across Scotland.

National Specification for Psychological Therapies and Interventions

Alongside the development of these standards, a specification has been developed to support the delivery of psychological therapies and interventions in Scotland.

Read about this specification here

What to do if you feel the standards aren’t being met

If you feel that your care hasn’t met these standards, the first thing to do is talk to your GP or the other health professionals involved in your care. Often issues can be resolved quickly once they’ve been discussed, and these standards outline that your care team should listen and take your concerns seriously.

If your care team is unable to assist, or you’re unhappy with their response, you may wish to raise the issue with your local health board.

Every health board has a different complaints process.

Learn more about the standards

For more information about the mental health quality standards, contact the Scottish Government at mhqualitystandards@gov.scot.

Last updated:
14 February 2024