Sexual health services available to gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men

Sexual health clinics can offer a range of different services to support your sexual health and wellbeing.

All sexual health clinics in Scotland welcome gay and bisexual men, and men who have sex with men (GBMSM)

What your sexual health clinic can offer

Some health boards have some dedicated clinics or outreach for GBMSM.

Find your nearest sexual health service

Contact your local sexual health service if:

  • you have signs or symptoms that you think might be related to a sexually transmitted infection (STI)

Read about STI symptoms

Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV

If you’re worried that you might have been exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours, you may be able to get Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV.

STI testing

Even if you don’t have any symptoms, it’s recommended that you regularly test for the most common STIs if you:

  • have multiple partners
  • have recently changed partner

The most common STIs are chlamydiagonorrhoeasyphilis and HIV. You can get tested at a sexual health clinic.

If you test positive for an STI, your local service will arrange treatment and support.

As well as STI testing, there are other ways to protect the sexual health of you and your partners.

Hepatitis A and B vaccination

Vaccination against hepatitis A and B is recommended for all GBMSM.

This is a series of 3 to 4 doses over a period of time (up to 1 year). Doses are given by injection into the muscle at the top of your arm.

You only get full protection if you’ve had all doses of the injection.

Contact your local service if you need to start this vaccine course or if you’re missing any doses.

Read further information about hepatitis A and hepatitis b

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination

Sexual health and HIV services offer HPV vaccination to GBMSM up to the age of 45 years who weren’t vaccinated in school. The vaccine protects against warts and HPV associated cancers (cancer of the anus, penis or throat).

There are 2 doses over 6 months, or 1 dose if you’re under 25. The vaccination is given by injection into the muscle at the top of the arm. HPV vaccination can be given at the same time as the vaccine for hepatitis.

Contact your local service if you need to start this vaccine course or if you’re missing any doses.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (HIV PrEP)

HIV PrEP is a medication that stops you getting HIV.

It’s a single tablet which can be taken daily or when needed.

Read further information about HIV PrEP

If you think PrEP is right for you, contact your local service to find out more about it.

Condoms and lube

Condoms are a useful method to prevent transmission of HIV and other STIs. They can also prevent unintended pregnancy.

Lube is advised for anal sex to make sex more pleasurable and to prevent condoms breaking.

You can get condoms and lube for free at all sexual health services and a range of other places. Many health boards offer free condoms by post. Check the website of services in your area for more information.

Further information

Sexual health services can provide support around safer sex and relationships. This includes drug and alcohol use, and mental health, including drug and alcohol use and mental health.

There are also organisations providing further information and support for GBMSM.

Waverley Care Terrence Higgins Trust LGBT Health