Sexual health for people who sell sex

Sexual health clinics can offer a range of different services to support your sexual health and wellbeing.

All sexual health services around Scotland welcome people who are or have been involved in selling or exchanging sexual activity in any form.

The right services for you

You are welcome to attend any sexual health clinic. There are some services that offer specialist support.

There are various services and support available to you from your local sexual health clinic. All services aim to provide non-judgemental and supportive care.

Sexual health advice

Sexual health advice is available:

  • for both personal relationships and any sexual activity that is paid for or exchanged
  • information about sexually transmitted infections and how to prevent them


Confidential treatment, and testing, for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including:

Free treatment

Free treatment and aftercare is available for:


You can get vaccinated to protect against:


You can access free contraception including:

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

HIV PrEP is a medicine that stops you getting HIV. It’s taken by people who are most at risk of getting HIV.

Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)

PEP is a form of emergency HIV medication taken by someone who does not have HIV but who has or may have been very recently exposed to HIV.

Cervical screening

When you are due your smear test, you can receive it from your sexual health clinic, even if you aren’t registered with a GP.


You can access free pregnancy testing and advice.

Abortion care

Support and advice around abortion, or referral to the right services

Specialist services

Some specialist services are also able to offer: